Defacto Thezpian \\ Durham, NC MusiciansMark MayaJanuary 13, 2016durham nc musician photography, durham nc photographers, raleigh nc portrait photographers, raleigh nc photographers, chapel hill nc photographers, chapel hill nc portrait photographers, chapel hill nc musicians, durham urban portrait photography, darin and brook aldridge songs, durham nc portrait photographer, durham nc modern photographyComment
Darin and Brooke Aldridge \\ Durham, NC Album cover shoot with Darin and Brooke Aldridge Read More Musicians, PortraitMark MayaOctober 1, 2014American Tobacco Campusdarin and brooke aldridge, Durham NC Portrait Photography, chapel hill nc portrait photographers, raleigh nc portrait photographers, american tobacco campus, north carolina photographers, North carolina portrait photographers, durham nc, Mountain Home Music Company, International Bluegrass Music Awards, bluegrass, americana, folk music, north carolina bluegrass, nc musicians, Darin and brooke aldridge schedule, darin and brooke aldridge lyrics, darin and brook aldridge songs, darin and brooke aldridge snapshots, darin and brooke aldridge portraits, darin and brooke aldridge album, darin and brooke aldridge NCComment